In these [gardens] will be [all] things most excellent and beautiful
Wherein (are found) the good and beautiful
In them will be fair (Companions), good, beautiful;
In all Gardens will be noble, pleasant mates.
In them are sweet and lovely creatures
Therein will be maidens chaste and beautiful
In them are goodly things, beautiful ones
In them both are the good deeds, fairer.
In them there will be the best, the fairest women!
Therein will be chaste and beautiful (virgins).
Therein are good and beautiful ones
In them are good and beautiful women.
In them are good and beautiful ones
In these (personalities are ingrained) virtues (and) sincerities
In each of them, there will be chaste and beautiful virgins
In them are the most charitalsle (i.e., best; choicest) and fairest of maidens
There will be well-disciplined, beautiful maidens
In them there will be women, good and gorgeous,_
Therein are all things most excellent, symmetrical, beautiful. ('Khair' = Good thing = Excellent. 'Hisan' = Nicely balanced = Beautifully symmetrical = Symmetrically beautiful)
There, they shall have beautiful virtuous (wives)
In them will be fair (companions), good and beautiful—
In them are good and beautiful women
In them is what is good and beautiful.
There are good-natured, beautiful maidens
Therein will be damsels agreeable and beauteous
In them good and comely maidens -
In them are sweet, lovely maidens.
In them both are maidens good in character and beautiful
In them are maidens good and lovely
In them are goodly things and beautiful ones
There are good and beautiful females in both of them.
In them will be those good, and beautiful
In them will be ladies with charming character and beauty.
In the midst of these will be maidens, good and comely
In them is what is good and beautiful.
In these [gardens] are things excellent and beautiful
In them there are maidens good natured, beautiful.
In them are beautiful mates.
In them shall be good and pleasing
Therein are goodly beautiful ones
In them (B) (are) very beautiful good/generous
There are beautiful mates available
In them are women of good behaviour and gorgeous faces
Therein will be maidens, good and beautiful.
In them are pious and beautiful (chaste maidens as well)
Therein will be (maidens) pious (and) beautiful
Therein (gardens) will be fair (wives) good and beautiful
therein maidens good and comely -
Therein shall be agreeable and beauteous damsels
In them maidens best and fairest
In each, the fair, the beauteous ones
In each there shall be virgins chaste and fair
In them are mates of refined goodness and excellence
Therein are maidens, noble and gorgeous -
In them are women of goodness and beauty.
In them will be good and beautiful beings.
In them are good, beautiful ones.
In them there will be the best, the fairest women!
Therein are good, finest maidens.
In (those Paradises) are the most magnificent, the most beautiful.
In both of them are good and beautiful ones.
Within, there are beautiful chaste women who will consort with those men of dignity in the order of piety
In them good, good.
In them will be fair (Companions), good, beautiful;
In them (are) good and beautiful ones
Feehinna khayratun hisanun
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